Italy is a very diverse country. Every area has its own traditions, dialects and dishes, all factors that make Italy a good fit for anyone. The same goes for nature, since the country is famous both for its beautiful beaches and its breathtaking mountains. But what is really the best if you are planning on going to Italy for a trip? Let’s find it out.
Why choose the mountains
Usually, who goes on holiday on the mountains love the fresh air and the low amount of humidity that is typical of these places. This is a great advantage especially for those who have breathing problems or allergies, but also for children and old people.
Another important aspect to consider is the possibility of being close to nature. A blue sky, green fields, lakes, enjoying a trip in the mountains can almost feel like a dream for those who love nature. But none of these elements would matter if you weren’tbe able to enjoy some peace. Differently from the beach, mountains allow you to stay away from the usual crowdedness and noisiness of the sea areas. The peaceful colours, the slow walks, the air full of oxygen are all simple but efficient systems to give your body and your mind some rest after a year of hard work or study.
In addition, mountains are simply perfect for those who like to do sports on holiday. In fact, the lower temperatures will make activities such as trekking, cycling, horse riding, rock climbing less demanding, allowing you to take advantage of the many sports centres that you can usually find in these locations.
Why choose the beach
Italy is famous for its seas. One of the most visited locations is Tuscany, where tourists often decide to rent villas on tuscan coast and enjoy the sun. Speaking of that, perhaps you did not know that the sun is good for our bones and our immune system and it is the best natural antidepressant there is. A balanced exposition to the sun allows our bodies to produce vitamin D, endorphins and serotonin.
The other main reason for choosing the beach is the water. Sea water is a natural disinfectant and, at least in the summer season, you should take advantage of it. It is also full of minerals and, most importantly, is made for swimming, a great exercise for both your body and your mind. Finally, one advantage of choosing a trip to a sea area is the diet. In fact, when temperatures are so high we tend to consume a lot of fruits and vegetables, which are full of vitamins.
Have you made up your mind? Italy awaits, but it is up to you how to experience it!